Tuesday, May 02, 2006

here comes the money matter.... :(

oleh kerna masalah kewangan yg menimpa diriku sejak 2-3 minggu ni
terpaksalah mengdowngrade kan cpu aku dgn kembali memakai AMD SEMPRON ...huhuhu
tapi kire sempron ni best jugak soo far pair dgn ABIT KV8 PRO tak der prob mmg smooth

but teringin nak pakai AMD ATHLON 64 X2 TOLEDO LAH huhuhu
enough lah dreaming aidid oooiiiiii

nway hari ni skali lagi jugak diet ku terganggu akibat dinner kat HRC ..ish
tak tahan sungguh nafsu ku utk makan huhuhu

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I"m a big fan of AMD series

here comes the pics of mighty tiny AMD...

my latest post....

huhu ni lah latest post aku

rase2 nyer dah lame tak makan ABC ...
dan I really2 enjoy my life right now...but I feel a bit empty sbb teringatkan
my dream MAC BOOK PRO DUO 15 inch....

aku mmg dah tergila2kan mende ni lah
tak tau kenape .....

Beside watching AMD and INTEL pushing up their DUAL Core processor in the market and it is a lot of voice behind these healthy competition

from my opinion what comes after Pentium 4 is Pentium D and after Pentium D is?

huhuhuhu. surely it is the multicore processor
so this is how technolagy evolve ,and it is a rapid evolution and it is not revolution that they brought ....

so I have one conclusion here for many out there who want to grab a new pc and still dont know which to choose
either Intel Pentium D or AMD ATHLON 60 X2

my words is wait till this month of june and there you go ..... it is DDR3 year this year....

p/s :but I surely will be bank in for mac book pro duo.... :P

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

at last ....there"s the result...

Nothing much to talk about, time to full swing and get back to learning process more seriously then the past 3 months ....huhuhu....Nway I"m on my way to be a better person...to only do what I love and to love what I supposed to love..."ape aku merepek ni"...

Congrats to all sec5 alumni who succeed in spm,those are:
Azli"arsenal klh nyer ngan ferrari nanti"

dan semua2 lagi sbb name tak blh nak tulih banyak sgt yg dah pandai2 ni..huhuhuhu viewers blog ni pun if dulu2 dapat spm power2 congrats lah huhuhu

ok lah that"s all for now

Friday, March 10, 2006

shiver beb...

assalammualaikum dan very good morning ,
to all my friends hurm, pagi ni aku dah start cuak
result nak kuar dah beb.....huhuhuhu...adoiii...rase 3 months ni macam kejap je...maybe dunia dah nak kiamat kot...entahlah tapi ape2 pun wishing u all the best time korang nak amik result nanti ...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

huhuhu...At last ....ni lah blog ku di mana aku akan menaip ape2 aje yg aku suke ...sbb tu lah kunamkan suke2 aku ....kowang tak leh lah suke2 ye


firstly thanks to my ibu and ayah yg tak membantu dalam memblogkan journal ku di sini
but to all viewers yg bace blog ni aku harapkan korang tak bosan ngan blog ni
n blog aku are reflections to my interest it"s all about computing and gadgets

Thanks kat member2 lowyat.net korang mmg tak pernah AKU Lagi thanks lah....
pade mereka yg label aku gadget freak, entalah tapi aku tak freak sgt kot cume curious je kotdah lame tak masuk kelas ....

kepada semua kawan2 sentiasa doakan kejayaan ku n thanks for everything

jadikan permulaan yg baik pengakhiran yg bermakna.....
